Reply To: Favorite pre- bike ride food


Oatmeal is the magical fuel. Oatmeal, ~tbs peanut butter, ~tbs cinnamon, ~raisins, and add any fresh fruit. I usually go 1 banana and 3 strawberries. But your imagination and taste buds are you’re only limit. Use water or milk, use non-sweetened dry fruits. Roughly 400-500 calories.Don’t add any kind of honey or other sweeteners. Any pure sweetener is just gonna make you crash.

People are just chasing that conditioned sugar fix/rush. Energy bars are just candy, don’t be fooled.

I’ve experimented and I can easily ride for half a day+ on a 500 calorie oatmeal breakfast. It’s not just about the amount of calories, it’s all about the quality of the calories and how they’re delivered.

Most people are so conditioned with sweeteners are shoveling constant calories, that they don’t really know what their body is capable of. You’d be surprised how far you can move the norm of that “Energy Wall”, if you change what is the norm for you calorie count and quality.