Getting Back


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    • #101320

      I am relatively new to mountain biking. In fact, here on the Virginia Peninsula you can’t even legitimately put the word mountain in there. That being said, I love the singletrack. Recently while riding at work (road, not trail) I took a fall that totally harshed my right arm. By harshed I mean radial head fracture (read shattered) that required replacement of a section of my bone with a prosthetic implant. Add that to the total destruction of every tendon and ligament in my elbow and the sum is a four month recovery.

      I have two questions for those of you that have been badly injured and come back.

      1: How did you keep from going crazy while you were down?

      2: What did you do to make yourself better and regain your confidence once you were pedaling again?

    • #101321

      sorry to hear about your fall. Last year I tore my ACL in my knee. It was hard not riding but I knew I couldnt so I just took it in stride, I new it was better to rest and properly recover than do something stupid and take longer. Once I was back, I just rode easy to get my muscles back in shape and just watched what I did, I wore a brace, still do, and just was very careful with what i did with my knee. If it hurt, I would back off a bit they try again in a week or so. I also went to the gym even before I got back on the bike to get my muscles back in shape, stretched and just worked back to where I was before. The pain will tell you how you are doing.

    • #101322

      Sorry to hear that about your elbow…

      Having been riding for well…Most of my life. I have had more than my share. Two broken clavicles, fractured ankle, torn same ankle twice, major areas of my back, knees and thighs with sections of flesh removed from really bad road rash…Not to forget all the other twists and bruises…

      Getting back is one of the things that is tough. Mostly because of what you mentioned. The wanting to get back on. Having just got back from a major tear on my ankle (early prognosis from doctor thought it was broken, but evedently it was an old chip), I had to fight myself from getting on to early. Something your going to have to do. Eating well and catching up on some suppliments I feel will help (calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, I use also a few others in the mix) won’t hurt but may speed up healing. Stretching and massaging the tissue around the break will help encourage blood flow and speed things as well.. Anti-Oxidants too will encourage cell re-generation.

      Other forms of excersise is a good idea. Sitting around is bad. You will pack on the weight….I was stuck sitting (bad ankle) for two weeks and that didn’t help…But getting mobile and taking it slow is key. When you do get on again do yourself a favor and get some armor…Doesn’t have to be hard, but something to help with the healing and possible accident again.

      Hey to be prepared than sorry… Also hit a bike park or indoor park… Great place to hone your skills and boost confidence. Most indoor spots are high skill low concequnce places. So your building your skills but if you do loose it your not in a world of pain.

    • #101323

      Thanks for the great info. I’m glad to hear from someone who has been hurt and been back. I’ll keep you posted, but it looks like my next ride may be Christmas.

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